1.) 완성된 온라인 신청서
2.) 비디오 녹화 자료의 유튜브 링크
(신청서에 유튜브 링크가 제공되어 있다면 해당 링크를 이메일로 보낼 필요 없음)
3.) 신청비
- 솔로 연주가 185€
- 듀오 및 앙상블 130€(앙상블 멤버 당)
Application Form for
"Grand Prize Virtuoso"
42nd International Music Competition
If you have any problems opening the Online Application Form, please use this PDF:
Application Fee for solo
performers is 185€
Application Form for
"Grand Prize Virtuoso"
43rd International Music Competition
If you have any problems opening the Online Application Form, please use this PDF:
Application Fee for solo
performers is 185€
Application Form for
Amsterdam and Vienna
"Grand Prize Virtuoso"
42nd and 43rd International Music Competition
If you have any problems opening the Online Application Form, please use this PDF:
The inscription fee for participants competing in Amsterdam and Vienna is reduced to 350€
Application Form for
"Grand Prize Virtuoso"
International Music Competition
Application fee for Duo and Ensembles is €130 per Ensemble Member.